There are many obvious advantages to using rainwater for watering your lawns and gardens. In Australia, our normally dry conditions make keeping your lawns and gardens beautiful a challenge. Simply put, without water you can’t grow vegetables, keep your lawn green, or your flowers growing. You might as well have a rock garden with a few cactus plants.
Capture your rainwater – that’s a solution.
Gardens and turf need lots of water. Your lawn is made up of millions of blades of grass, and every one of them can sometimes be begging for a drop of water. Even the newer grasses that were engineered for our dry climate need water.
Vegies and Flowers
It’s the same problem with your flowers and vegetables. They need frequent watering. Living in Australia, our water is a precious commodity, highlighted by summer water restrictions in Western Australia particularly. There is a trend these days to collect that rainwater and use it whenever you have dry periods of weather.
Rain Wish or Rain Dance
When you are having a dry spell, you tend to look at the sky and wish for rain. If we knew that a rain dance really worked, there would be continuous dancing in the streets. Your vegies, lawn and flowers would join in to ensure success.
Water Quality
There is nothing like rain to water your garden. It’s better than treated tap water. That’s a fact. Rain has been through the ‘system’. Rain, ground percolation, evaporation, and then rain again. There’s no chemical treatment in that eco-cycle. The rainwater also contains important elements and minerals all of which help the health of your plants.
The Magic of Rain
Ours is a dry continent so all Australians appreciate the rain when it comes. Especially in the summer time when it’s so scarce. Nature and the magic it sends you with rain has the power to restore your lawn and garden health. If you watch your lawn and garden when it’s raining, you can almost see the plants grow and even hear them sigh with contentment. Sweet rain. Give me nutrients.
In our climate, it makes sense to collect the rain by having a rainwater tank installed. You can have the tank underground and pump the water out. Or you can have it being collected through the gutters to a central tank. An upright, outdoors tank can water your garden using gravity, or for extra pressure you can pump it as you would need to do with an underground tank.
Not only do you put nutrient rich water on your plants and lawns, but you save a heap on water bills. Happy plants and a happy household and say goodbye to water restrictions.
There are many advantages to using rainwater for your gardens and lawns but the good one is that you are doing your bit for the environment with the way you use a scarce resource – wisely.